CASIS 2004


OTTAWA, OCTOBER 14-16 (Timing TBC), 2004



This is an advance notice to all CASIS members, announcing that a CASIS Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held during the CASIS 2004 International Conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Ottawa, at a time to be confirmed, during the period October 14-16, 2004.


In accordance with the CASIS Constitution (available on the CASIS website), the business of the annual general meeting shall be:


a.���� To receive and approve the financial report of the previous year and a budget for the coming year;

b.���� To elect Officers and Directors of the Association from among the candidates nominated by the nominating committee and by other members; and

c.���� To deal with such other business as may be properly before the annual general meeting.

Motions, as provided for in the Constitution, may be put to a meeting of members only if the Board of Directors has been notified in writing of the motion at least five clear days before the meeting.


Members are invited to forward any Motions they wish to be considered, to the CASIS Secretariat, Attention: Executive Secretary, as soon as possible. Motions received in advance will be posted on the CASIS website.






Elections will be held at the AGM to fill the following positions:

������� a.���� President;

������� b. ��� Vice-President;

������� c.���� Eight Directors, to include Regional Representatives for

the Atlantic Provinces, Quebec, Ontario, the Prairie Provinces, British Columbia and Canada�s North.


The CASIS Nominating Committee is chaired by the Past President. Members wishing to stand for election, or nominate a candidate are requested to forward the name of their name and contact information (address, telephone number and e-mail), or that of the candidate, as soon as possible, to the CASIS Secretariat, Attention: Executive Secretary. It will be helpful for all nominations to include a brief (one paragraph) outline introduction to the candidate. The Secretariat will forward all submissions to the Nominating Committee for action in accordance with the Constitution. The list of approved nominees will be posted on the CASIS website.


The Constitution does allow for candidates to be nominated by any member of the Association in writing to the Board of Directors (Attention: Executive Secretary) at least five clear days before the Annual General Meeting, or on the floor of the meeting.


Further information regarding the CASIS 2004 AGM will be posted on the CASIS website as it becomes available. Members requiring any further information are invited to contact the Secretariat at [email protected].




Jim Cox

Executive Secretary