1er octobre 2003,
Chers membres de
Cette note
renferme quelques amendements simples mais importants � la constitution de
l�ACERS. Ces amendements seront vot�s � la r�union g�n�rale annuelle de l�ACERS
2003 � Vancouver, le samedi 18 octobre 2003.
b�n�fici� de succ�s constants ces derni�res ann�es et promet de faire toujours
mieux dans le futur. Parall�lement � ces succ�s, la charge de travail continue
d�augmenter en terme de quantit� et de diversit�. Pour soutenir ces succ�s, il
est sugg�r� que quelques changements � la structure du syst�me de gestion de
l�ACERS soient apport�s : la cr�ation d�un secr�tariat permanent, dirig�
par un secr�taire ex�cutif qui appuierait le conseil d�administration.
En r�sum�, les
amendements propos�s permettront d��tablir, de fa�on formelle, un secr�tariat
permanent et de remplacer le pr�sent secr�taire �lu par un secr�taire ex�cutif
nomm� par le Pr�sident et approuv� par le conseil d�administration. Le
Secr�taire ex�cutif formerait un secr�tariat permanent situ� � Ottawa, pour
agir en tant que bureau de direction de l�Association, g�rant les affaires
courantes sous la supervision du pr�sident. Il y aura d�autres changements �
discuter, mais ceux-ci le seront tout au long de l�ann�e dans le cours normal
des activit�s de l�Association.
a. ����� Paragraphe 1.01. DEFINITIONS. �Apr�s "time to time" enlevez "executive" et� ajoutez "Board". Enlevez aussi "secretary, or". Apr�s "treasurer" ajoutez "or any ����� other person so designated in writing by the Board".
����� Paragraphe 3. HEAD
OFFICE" et ajoutez " SECRETARIAT".
c. ����� Paragraphe 3.01. HEAD OFFICE. Enlevez "HEAD OFFICE" et tout le reste du texte. Ajoutez "SECRETARIAT. The Association will be served by a ����� permanently established Secretariat, led by an appointed Executive Secretary and composed of personnel as from time to time decided by the Board. Permanent ����� members of the Secretariat may be remunerated as annually agreed upon by the incumbent and the Board, as advised by the Executive Secretary. The Secretariat ����� will be located in Ottawa, but may be moved elsewhere in the best interests of the Association, on approval of the membership.�
����� Paragraphe 4.01.
COMPOSITION. Apr�s "board of directors, to be known... " enlevez "executive"
et ajoutez "the Board". Puis, avant "shall consist of ... " enlevez "The executive"
ajoutez "The Board". Poursuivre, tout au long du texte, le remplacement
de "the executive" par "the Board".
e. ����� Paragraphe 5.01. MANAGEMENT. Ajoutez "The Executive will be supported by a permanent Secretariat, led by an appointed Executive Secretary".
f. ����� Paragraphe 7.01. OFFICERS. Apr�s "treasurer" enlevez "� and secretary, and". Apr�s "six regional representatives" ajoutez "and the Executive Secretary".
g.�������� Paragraphe
7.09.� SECRETARY. Enlevez le paragraphe
au complet. Ajoutez "EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. The Executive Secretary shall be appointed by
the President, on approval of the Board. The Executive Secretary shall report
to the President and shall be responsible for the effective and efficient
management of the Secretariat, the routine administrative affairs of the
Association as directed by the President, on behalf of the Board and shall
support other Board business as required. The Executive Secretary is a
permanent, paid position held at the pleasure of the Board and whose
remuneration will be agreed upon annually by both the incumbent and the Board.�
����������� Il me fera un grand plaisir de r�pondre � vos
questions en tout temps.
James S. Cox
Brigadier G�n�ral
(� la retraite)
Secr�taire ex�cutive
Secr�tariat de