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  CASIS 2005 International Conference has been scheduled for October 20-22  
in Montreal, Quebec. Program details will be posted in March.  

The Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies (CASIS) is a nonpartisan, voluntary association established in 1985. Its principal purpose is to provide informed debate in Canada on security and intelligence issues. Membership is open and currently includes academics, concerned citizens, government officials, journalists, lawyers, students, as well as former intelligence officers.
L'association canadienne pour les �tudes de renseignement et de s�curit� (ACERS) est une association non partisane et b�n�vole �tablie en 1985. Son but principal est de promouvoir le dialogue inform� sur les questions de s�curit� et de renseignement au Canada. L'adh�sion est ouverte � tous et les membres sont tant des universitaires, des �tudiants et des fonctionnaires, des juristes que des citoyens int�ress�s, des journalistes et d'anciens officiers du renseignement et de la s�curit�.

CASIS/ACERS newly appointed Executive Director is Tony Campbell, Past Vice-President and President of CASIS 200-2004. He can be reached at [email protected]

Thomas Powers delivered the first annual CASIS Distinguished Lecture at our conference held in Ottawa on October 14, 2004. An expanded version of his talk has now been published as "Secret Intelligence and the 'War on Terror'" in the New York Review of Books, December 16, 2004. The text of his essay can be found on the web at