Last Updated : July 18, 2021




This section of the selective bibliography is comprised mainly of articles in refereed journals and book chapters in edited texts. To be included the material must be directly about Canadian security or intelligence matters or contain significant information of interest to those studying Canadian national security issues. For example, the article by Christopher Andrew on the Anglo-American SIGINT, though not specifically about Canadian intelligence, is included because Canada is part of that alliance. So too is Arthur Hulnick’s piece on the relationship between intelligence and private industry because of its Canadian content. Similarly the bibliography includes material on related policy areas such as those dealing with defence, foreign affairs, immigration, and refugees and aliens. Also, included is material covering crimes against the state and specific aspects of policing to deal with such crimes. For example, this section includes articles on: sedition, subversion, political violence, terrorism, transnational crime, money laundering, entrapment, conspiracy, electronic surveillance and emergency powers. Readers will also find articles on issues that are relevant to studying intelligence. Thus some material on access to information, privacy, secrecy, civil liberties, dissent, press censorship is included. In addition, users of the bibliography can search through the material to find articles on such events as the Winnipeg General Strike and the October Crisis of 1970.





“Refugees and Border Security Post September 11,” Refugee 20:4 (2001): 5-14.


“Canadian Borders and Immigration Post 9/11,” International Migration Review, 36:1 (Spring 2002) 15-28.


“Governance, Immigration Policy and Security: Canada and the United States Post-9/11,” in John Tirman (ed.),The Maze of Fear: Security and Migration after 9/11, ( New York : The New Press: 2004): 109-130.


AIKEN ,Sharry J.,


“Manufacturing ‘Terrorists’: Refugees, National Security and Canadian Law-1,” Refuge, 19: 3 (2000): 54-73


“Manufacturing ‘Terrorists’: Refugees, National Security and Canadian Law-2,” Refuge, 19: 4 (2000): 116-133


"Of Gods and Monsters: National Security and Canadian Refugee Policy," Revue Quebecois de Droit International, Forthcoming (February, 2002).



“The Evolution of the Canadian Intelligence Establishment, 1945-1950,” Intelligence and National Security, 9:3 (July, 1994):448-471.


ANDREW, Christopher,


“The Making of the Anglo-American SIGINT Alliance ,” in Hayden B. Peake and Samuel Halperin, (eds.), In the Name of Intelligence: Essays in Honor of Walter Pforzheimer (Washington, NIBC Press, 1994): 95-109. An updated version of this article appeared in: James E. Dillard and Walter T. Hitchcock (eds.), The Intelligence Revolution and Modern Warfare, (Chicago, Imprint Publications,.1995): 87-96.


ANGEVINE , Robert G.,


“Mapping the Northern Frontier: Canada and the Origins of the US Army’s Military Information Division,” Intelligence and National Security, 16:3 (Autumn 2001): 121-145.




"Canadian Immigration and Refugee Policies," in J. Munro (ed.) Doing it Right: Eminent Canadians Confront the Future, (Toronto: James Lorimer, 1987): ...




"The Canadian Spy Case: Admissibility in Evidence of Stolen Embassy Documents," University of Chicago Law Review , 15 (Winter, 1946?): ...


"Task Force on Kidnapping," External Affairs, 23, (1971): 6-11.


" Quebec : The Challenge from Within," Conflict Studies, 20 (January, 1972): 1-20.


"Revolutionary Terrorism in Canada : It’s Coming Say the Experts," Liaison, 7:4 (1981): 2-7.


"The Empire Strikes Back: New Intelligence on the National Crime Intelligence Section," Bulletin of the Civil Liberties Action Security Project (CLASP), 1:1/2 (August-September, 1983): 3-6.


"RCMP Labour Liaison with the B.C. Federation of Labour Continues," Bulletin of the Civil Liberties Action Security Project (CLASP), 1:1/2 (August-September, 1983): 7-9.


"Turning on the Tap: Some Techniques of Wiretapping," Bulletin of the Civil Liberties Action Security Project (CLASP), 1:1/2 (August-September, 1983): 10-14.


"The Experts' View of Terrorism: 1 -- Mr. Robin Bourne," Bulletin of the Civil Liberties Action Security Project (CLASP), 1:1/2 (August-September, 1983): 19-24.


"The Case of the Vancouver Five," Bulletin of the Civil Liberties Action Security Project (CLASP), 1:1/2 (August-September, 1983): 28-35.


"AICS/TECS: Memorandum of Understanding," RCMP Gazette, 45:5 (1983):, 17.


" Canada Report: Mulroney on Terrorism," Canadian Middle East Digest , 10:1 (1986) ...


Moving up the Line: The Role of the Undercover Police," Liaison, 12:7 (July/August, 1986): 4-2.


" Mission : Under Control," Liaison, 12:8 (September, 1986): 4-11.


"Keeping Canadians Safe," Liaison, 13:1 (January, 1987): 18-27.


"An Interview with the Minister," Liaison, 13:8 (September, 1987): 4-10.


"Fine-Tuning CSIS," Liaison 14: ... (March, 1988): 8-14.


"Reid Morden: Taking CSIS in Hand," Liaison, 14:6 (June, 1988): 4-9.




“The Heritage Front Affair,” Intelligence and National Security, 11:2 (April, 1996):306-312.




"Canadians in Crisis: The Nature and Source of Support for Leadership in National Emergency," Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 9 (November 1972): 299-234.


ARONSEN , Lawrence R.


" America 's National Security and the Defence of the Northern Frontier, 1945-51," Canadian Review of American Studies, 14 (1983): 259-277.


"'Peace, Order and Good Government' during the Cold War: The Origins and Organization of Canada 's Internal Security Program," Intelligence and National Security, I:3 (September, 1986): 357-380.


ATKEY , Ronald G.,


“Freedom of Information: The problem of Confidentiality in the Administrative Process,” University of Western Ontario Law Review , 18 (Winter, 1980): 153-184.


"Accountability for Security Intelligence Activity in Canada : The New Structure," in Peter Hanks and John D. McCamus (ed.), National Security: Surveillance and Accountability in a Democratic Society, Cowansville: Les Editions Yvon Blais, 1989, 37-42.


"Reconciling Freedom of Expression and National Security," University of Toronto Law Journal 41 (1991): 38-59.


“International Terrorism: The Canadian Response,” in Frank E. McArdle (ed.), Cambridge Lectures , Montreal , Edition Yvon Blais, 1991: 177-183.


AUNGER , Edmund A.,


Political Violence in Canada : The Case of New Brunswick ," in John Darby, N.N. Dodge, and A.C. Hepburn, (eds.), Political Violence in Comparative Perspective, (Belfast: Appletree, 1988): ....


AVERY , Donald,

Secrets between Different Kinds of Friends: Canada 's Wartime Exchange of Scientific Military Information with the US and the USSR , 1940-1945," Historical Papers, Canadian Historical Association, 1986.


" Canada 's Response to European Refugees, 1939-1945: The Security Dimension," in Norman Hillmer, Bohdan Kordan and Luciuk Lubomyr, (eds.), On Guard for Thee: War, Ethnicity, and the Canadian State, 1939-1945, (Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1989): 179-216.


"Allied Scientific Co-operation and Soviet Espionage in Canada , 1941-45," Intelligence and National Security, 8:3 (July, 1983): 100-128.


BADGLEY , Kerry,


“Researchers and Canada ’s Public Aechives: Gaining Access to the Security Collections,” in Gary Kinsman, Dieter K. Buse and Mercedes Steedman (eds.), Whose National Security? Canadian State Surveillance and the Creation of Enemies , ( Toronto : Between the Lines, 2000): 223-228.


BAHDI , Reem,


“No Exit: Racial Profiling and Canada ’s War against Terrorism,” Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 41:2&3 (Summer/Fall 2003): 293-317.


BAIN , George A.,


"The Seizure of the Turkish Embassy in Ottawa ," TVI Report, 6:2 (Fall, 1985): ...




“An Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Vision for the Canadian Forces, Canadian Military Journal, 2:4 (Winter 2002): 41-46.


BARRETT , Stanley,


"The Far Right in Canada ," in C.E.S. Franks (ed.), Dissent and the State, (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989): 224-246.


BARRON , John,


“The Man who Loved to Spy,” Reader’s Digest (April, 1983): 179-219.


BARROS , James,


"Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White: The Canadian Connection," Orbis, 21 (Fall, 1977): 593-605.


BAY , Christian ,


"Civil Disobedience: The Inner and Outer Limit," in C.E.S. Franks, Dissent and the State, (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989): 40-61.


BEARE , Margaret E.

"Corruption and Organized Crime: Lessons from History," Crime, Law and Social Change, 28:2 (1997): 155-172.


BEARE , Margaret E. and MARTENS, Frederick T.,


"Policing Organized Crime: The comparative structures, traditions and policies within the United States and Canada ." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 14:4, (November, 1998): 398-427.


BEATON , Leonard,


"Crisis in Quebec ," Round Table, 241 (January, 1971): 147-151.


BEATTY , The Hon. Perin,


"’Counter Terrorism: The Role of the RCMP': Speech by the Solicitor General of Canada to the Law Faculty of the University of Toronto , March 10th, 1986 ," RCMP Gazette, 48:3 (1986) 1-3.


“New realities at the Canadian-American Border,” Canadian Parliamentary Review, 25:2 (Summer, 2002): 9-12


BECK , Stanley M.,


"Electronic Surveillance and the Administration of Criminal Justice," Canadian Bar Review, 46 (1986): 643-693.


BELL , Stewart,


"Sikh Terrorism in Canada," Clandestine Tactics and Technology, 13:9 (1987): 1-7.


"Armenian Terrorism in Canada," Clandestine Tactics and Technology, 13:11 (1987): 1-8.


“Blood Money: International Terrorist Fundraising in Canada,” in Norman Hillmer and Maureen Appel Molot (eds.), Canada Among Nations 2002: A Fading Power, (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2002): 172-190.


“Canadian Terrorists,” in David Daubney, Wade Deisman, David Jutras, Errol Mendes, and Patrick Molinari, (eds.), Terrorism, Law & Democracy: How is Canada Changing Following September 11? (Montreal: Les Editions Thémis, 2002): 15-22.




Canada Alert: The Recent Evolution in Canadian Security Policy, Hemisphere Focus, 12:10 (Sepetember 2, 2004): 1-9.


BELLEMARE , Daniel A.,


"Le nouveau mandat d'enquete cree par la Loi sur le Service canadien du renseignment de securite,"Revue generale de droit, 16:2 (1985): 335-361.


BERCUSON , David J.,


"The Winnipeg General Strike," in Irving Abella (ed.), On Strike: Six Key Labour Struggles in Canada, 1919-1949, (Toronto: James Lorimer, 1975): 1-32.


"Western Labour Radicalism and the One Big Union: Myths and Realities," in S.D. Clark, J.P. Grayson, and L.M. Grayson (eds.), Prophesy and Protest: Social Movements in Twentieth-Century Canada, (Toronto: Gage, 1975): 244-256.


BERGERON , Claude and Charles-Philippe DAVID,


"Le Phénomène du Terrorisme et le Contre-Terrorisme," in Brian MacDonald (ed.), Terror, (Toronto: Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, 1986): 11-30.




“Migration and Security: September 11and Implications for Canada’s Policies,” Refuge 20:4 (2002): 49-51



BISSETT , James,


“A Defense of the ‘Safe Country’ Concept for Refugees,’ Policy Options , (September, 2002): 36-38.




"The Political Accountability of Intelligence Agencies -- Canada," Intelligence and National Security, 4:1 (January, 1989): 108-118.


BOLAN , Kim,


“The Air India Verdict Just Doesn’t Add Up,” Media, 11:2 (Spring 2005): 9-11.


BONES , Alan,


"Introduction," to "The Uses of Science by the State for Security and Control," in Mary Thornton and Jane Willms, (eds.), Science, Knowledge & Power: Selected Materials from the Second National Conference of Canadian Student Pugwash, (Ottawa: CSP, 1984): ....


BOROVOY , A. Alan,


"Freedom of Expression: Some Recurring Impediments," in Rosalie S. Abella and Melvin L. Rothman, (eds.), Justice Beyond Orwell, (Montreal, Edition Yvon Blais: 1985): .....


"Terrorism, Security and Surveillance Powers of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service," in Peter Hanks and John D. McCamus (eds.), National Security: Surveillance and Accountability in a Democratic Society, (Cowansville: Les Editions Yvon Blais, 1989): 243-246.


“Protest Movements and Democracy,” Policy Options , (September, 2002) 54-56.




“The Impact of Terrorism on the Principle of ‘Non-Refoulement’ of Refugees: The Suresh Case before the Supreme Court of Canada,” Journal of International Criminal Justice, i:1 (April 2003):169-185.


BOSSIN , Michael,


“Bill C-31: Limited Access to Refugee Determination and Protection,” Refuge, 19:4 (February 2001): 55-61.


BOTHWELL , Robert,


“The Cold War and the Curate’s Egg: When did Canada’s Cold War Really Begin?” International Journal, 53:3 (Summer, 1998):407-418.


BOURNE , Robin,


"Terrorist Incident Management and Jurisdictional Issues: A Canadian Perspective," Terrorism: An International Journal, 1:3/4 (1978): 307-313.


BOWEN , Roger,


"Cold War, McCarthyism and Murder by Slander: E.H. Norman's Death in Perspective," in Roger W. Bowen (ed.) E.H. Norman: His Life and Scholarship, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984):46-71.


"Monolithic Democracy and the Search for Enemies: The Norman 'Case'," in Peter Hanks and John D. McCamus, National Security: Surveillance and Accountability in a Democratic Society, (Cowansville: Les Editions Yvon Blais, 1989): 197-206.


BRETON , Raymond,


"The Socio-Political Dynamics of the October Events," Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 9:1 (1972): 33-56.


BRANDER , James A.,


“The Economics of Economic Intelligence,” in Evan H. Potter (ed.), Economic Intelligence and National Security, (Ottawa: Carlton University Press, 1998): 197-217.




"Petite rhéétorique de la réépression," in Jean-Marc Piotte et autres (Dir. de pub.), Québec occupéé. Montréal:Parti-Pris, 1971): 217-248.


"La Crise d’Octobre et les commission d’enquete,” Criminologie, 13:2 (1980): 79-98.


"Legitimizing Police Deviance," in Clifford D. Shearing (ed.) Organizational Police Deviance: Its Structure and Control, (Toronto: Butterworth, 1981): 127-160.


"Recension Spécial: Rapport de la Commission d'enquête sur les opérations policières en territoire québécois," Canadian Journal of Criminology 23:4 (October, 1981): 493-501.(This article is a response to Laurent Laplante’s "recension spéciale." See below).


"High Policing and Low Policing: Remarks about the Policing of Political Activities," Social Problems, 30:5 (1983): 507-520.


"Policing: Beyond 1984," Canadian Journal of Sociology, 9:2 (Spring, 1984): 195-207.


"La police: Mythe et réalitéés". In Jean-Paul Brodeur (ed.), La police après 1984. Numéro spécial de la revue Criminologie, Montréal: Presses de l'universitéé de Montréal (1984): 9-41.

"Unberüührbare", in Büürgerrechte und Polizei. CILIP 17, Nr. 1, (1984): 45-56.


"Criminal Justice and National Security," in Peter Hanks and John D. McCamus (ed.), National Security: Surveillance and Accountability in a Democratic Society, (Cowansville: Les Editions Yvon Blais, 1989): 55-70.

"Kanada - Ausschüüsse zur Kontrolle der Polizei", in Büürgerrechte und Polizei. CILIP 35 No. 1( 1990): 20-31.


"Security Intelligence and Policing in Canada," in A.G. Gagnon and J.P. Bickerton (eds.), Canadian Politics, and Introduction to the Discipline, (Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1990): 263-281.


"Countering Terrorism in Canada," in Stuart Farson, David Stafford and Wesley K. Wark (eds.), Security and Intelligence in a Changing World: New Perspectives for the 1990s, (London: Frank Cass, 1991): 182-200.


"Usage illicite d'informations sur la vie privée des citoyens". In Cahiers de Recherche Éthique, No. 17 (1992): 151-170.


"L'obstacle des troubles intérieurs, " in Alain G. Gagnon et François Rocher (Dir. de pub.), Répliques aux détracteurs de la souveraineté, Montréal: VLB Éditeur 1992


"Undercover Policing in Canada: Wanting What is Wrong," Crime Law, and Social Change: An International Journal, 18:1-2 (September, 1992): 105-136.


"Undercover Policing in Canada: A Study of its Consequences.", In Cyrille Fijnaut, and Gary T Marx . (eds.), Police Surveillance in Comparative Perspective, (The Hague, London, Boston: Kluwer Law International 1995): 71-102.


“Parlimentary Oversight V. Independent Review,” Retfaerd 78:2 (Argang, 1997):13-42.


“Parliamentary vs Civilian Oversight,” in Dennis Tollborg (ed,), National Security and the Law: The Gothenburg Symposium 1997 (Gotborgs: Centrum for Europaforskning, Gotborgs Universitet, 1997): 81-133.


“En etre ou ne pas en etre” telle n’est pas la question,” in Les cahiers de la securite interieure: Le Rensiegnement No. 30 (Paris, Institut des Haute Etudes de la Securite Interieure, 1997): 155-184


"Maintien et imposition de la paix en Somalie." in Michel Wieviorka (Dir. de pub.), Un nouveau paradigme de la violence, Paris: L'Harmattan (1997): 175-228.

"The Invention of Outsiders: The Relationship Between Operatives and Civilian Experts," in Joseph F Fletcher (ed.), Ideas in Action: Essays on Politics and Law in Honour of Peter Russell, Toronto: University of Toronto Press (1999): 150-167.

"Force policière et force militaire", in Éthique Publique: revue internationale d'éthique sociétale et gouvernementale, Vol. 2, No. 1, (2000): 157-166.

"Cops and Spooks." in Police Practice and Research, Vol. 1, No. 3, (2000): 1-25.

"Transnational Policing and Human Rights: A Case Study, "in James W.E. Sheptycki (ed.), Transnational Policing, (London: Routledge,.forthcoming 2000/2001): ........

"The Globalization of Security and Intelligence Agencies", in Jean-Paul Brodeur, Peter Gill and Dennis Töllborg (eds.), Intelligence and Security Agencies: International Perspectives, (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2003):210-261.

"Accountability: The Search for A Theoretical Framework." In International Annals of Criminology, Vol. 38. (Forthcoming 2001): .......


“Le Centre de Securite des telecommunications et les libertes civiles,” in David Daubney, Wade Deisman, David Jutras, Errol Mendes, and Patrick Molinari, (eds.), Terrorism, Law & Democracy: How is Canada Changing Following September 11? (Montreal: Les Editions Thémis, 2002):201-210.


BRODEUR , Jean-Paul and VIAU, Louise,


"Police Accountability in Crisis Situations." In R.C. MacLeod and David Scheiderman (Eds.), Police Powers in Canada: The Evolution and Practice of Authority. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (1994): 243-308.


BROWN , Desmond,


"The Crasftsmanship of Bias: Sedition and the Winnipeg Strike Trial 1919," Manitoba Law Journal, 14:1 (1984): 1-33.


BROWN , Sanborn, and SCOTT, Kenneth,


"Count (Benjamin T.) Rumford: International Informer," New England Quarterly, 21, (March, 1948): 34-49.


BUNN , Geoffrey C.,


“Euphoric Security: The Lie Detector and Popular Culture,” in Gary Kinsman, Dieter K. Buse and Mercedes Steedman (eds.), Whose National Security? Canadian State Surveillance and the Creation of Enemies, (Toronto: Between the Lines, 2000): 201-210.


BURGESS , Diane,


Kanehsatake on Witness: The Evolution of CBC Balance Policy,” Canadian Journal of Communications, 25:2 (Spring 2000): available at: http://www.cjc‑


BURGESS ,Drummond,


“Will `The Man` get the Mounties?” Last Post 6:4 (1977): 6-10,




"Electronic Eavesdropping and the Federal Response: Cloning a Hybrid," University of British Columbia Law Review, 10:1 (1975): 36-63.


"The Law and Privacy: The Canadian Experience," Canadian Bar Review 54:1 (1976) 1-64.


"A Retrospective View of the Protection of Privacy Act: A Fragile Rede is Recked," University of British Columbia Law Review, 13 (1979): 123-157.


BUSE , Dieter K.,


“Observing the Political and Informing on the Personal: State Surveillance Systems in the European Context, “ in Gary Kinsman, Dieter K. Buse and Mercedes Steedman (eds.), Whose National Security? Canadian State Surveillance and the Creation of Enemies, (Toronto: Between the Lines, 2000): 11-17.




"The History of Criminal Intelligence Service Canada," Canadian Police Chief, 69:2 (1980): 29-33.


BYERS , Rod,


"NORAD, Star Wars, and Strategic Doctrine: The Implications for Canada," in R.B. Byers, John Hamre, and G.R. Lindsey (eds.), Aerospace Defence: Canada's Future Role? Wellesley Papers, 9/1985, (Toronto: Canadian Institute of International Affairs, 1985): 31-56.




"Pulpit, Press, and Political Reflections of the Ku Klux Klan in Saskatchewan ," in Samuel D. Clark, J. Pauil Grayson, and Linda M. Grayson (eds.) Prophecy and Protest, (Toronto: Gage, 1975): 153-178.




"Commission of Inquiry Concerning Certain Activities of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Second Report: 'Freedom and Security under the Law'," Modern Law Review 48 (March, 1985): 201-211.


CAMERON , Stevie,


“Careful, Someone is Listening,” in Ottawa Inside Out: Power, Prestige and Scandal in the Nation’s Capital (Toronto: Key Porter, 1989): 191-213.


CAMPBELL , Charles M.,


"A Time-bomb Ticking: Canadian Immigration in Crisis," Mackenzie Paper, No.10, (1989): 5-38.


CAMPBELL , Robert M. and PAL, Leslie A.,


"Feather and Gun: Confrontation at OKA/Kanesatake," in The Real World of Canadian Politics: Cases in Process and Policy, (Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1991): 267-345.


CAMPBELL , Anthony,

“ Canada – United States Intelligence Relations and ‘Information Sovereignty,” in david carment, Fen Osler Hampson and Norman Hillmer, (eds.), Coping with the American Colossus,” (Don Mills: Oxford , 2003): 156-179.


CHAPMAN , Brian,


"The Canadian Police: A Survey," in Craig L. Boydell and Ingrid Arnet Connidis (eds.) The Canadian Criminal Justice System, (Toronto: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1982): 68-88.


CHARLES , Douglas,


“American, British and Canadian Intelligence Links: A Critical Annotated Bibliography,” Intelligence and National Security, 15:2 (2000): 258-269.


CHARTERS , David A.,


"Security Services in an Open Society," Conflict Quarterly, 1:2 (Spring, 1980): 8-14


"Swift and Bold: Appraisal of Hostage Rescue Operations," Conflict Quarterly, 1:1 (Summer, 1980), 26-33.


"Organization, Selection and Training of National Response Teams -- A Canadian Perspective," Conflict Quarterly, 1:4 (Winter, 1981), 26-30.


"Sir Maurice Oldfield and British Intelligence: Some Lessons for Canada ," Conflict Quarterly, 2:3 (Winter, 1982), 40-51.


"The October Crisis: Implications for Canada 's Internal Security," in Brian MacDonald (ed.), Terror, (Toronto: Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, 1986): 56-72.


"Terrorism and Political Crime: The Challenge of Policing in the Global Village", in Donald J. Loree, (ed.), Future Issues in Policing: Symposium Proceedings (Ottawa: Canadian Police College, 1989): .......


"Counterterrorism Intelligence: Sources, Methods, Process, and Problems", in David A. Charters, (ed.), Democratic Responses to International Terrorism (Dobbs Ferry, NY: Transnational Publishers, 1991): 227-266.


"From October to Oka : Peacekeeping in Canada , 1970-1990", in Marc Milner, ed., Canadian Military History: Selected Readings (Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1993): 368-93.


"The Amateur Revolutionaries: A Reassessment of the FLQ", Terrorism and Political Violence, 9:1 (Spring 1997): 133-69.


"Out of the Closet: Intelligence Support for Post-Modernist Peacekeeping", in Intelligence in Peacekeeping, The Pearson Papers no. 4 (Cornwallis Park, NS: Lester B. Pearson Canadian International Peacekeeping Training Centre, 1999): 33-70.


“The Future of Military Intelligence in the Canadian Forces, Canadian Military Journal, 2:4 (Winter 2002): 47-52


CHISHOLM , Robert,


“Current Trends and Canadian Interests,” in The Fight Against Terrorism, Mackenzie Paper, No. 14, (1989): 19-30.





"The Spy Inquisition and the Canadian Bar Association," Fortnightly Law Journal, ( 15 June 2021 ): 17-22.


CHOUDHRY , Sujit and ROACH. Kent ,


“Racial and Ethnic Profiling: Statutory Discretion, Constitutional Remedies, and Democratic Accountability,” Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 41:1 (2003):1-35.


CHUNG , Daniel Cayley,


"Internal Security: Establishment of a Canadian Security Intelligence Service," Harvard International Law Journal, 26 (1985): 234-249.


CLARKE , Frank K.,


“Debilitating Divisions: The Civil Liberties Movement in Early Cold War Canada, 1946-48,” in Gary Kinsman, Dieter K. Buse and Mercedes Steedman (eds.), Whose National Security? Canadian State Surveillance and the Creation of Enemies , ( Toronto : Between the Lines, 2000): 171-187.


CLARKE , Tony,


“The Recriminalization of Dissent,” Policy Options , (September, 2002): 49-50.


CLEMENT , Dominique,


"The Royal Commission on Espionage and the Spy Trials of 1946-9: A Case Study in Parliamentary Supremacy," Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, ..... (2000):......


"The Royal Commission on Espionage, 1946-8: A Case Study in the Mobilization of the Canadian Civil Liberties Movement," Left History, 7:2 (. ....




“The Terrorists’ Best Ally: The Quebec Media Coverage of the FLQ Crisis in October 1970,” Canadian Journal of Communication 25:2 (Spring, 2000): available at: http://www.cjc‑ .





"Coping with the Terrorist," in Brian MacDonald (ed.), Terror, (Toronto: Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, 1986): 118-126.


COHEN , Maxwell,


"Secrecy in Law and Policy: The Canadian Experience and International Relations," in Thomas M. Franck and Edward Weisband (eds.), Secrecy and Foreign Policy, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1974): 356-77.


COHEN , Stanley A.,


"Freedom of Information and the Official Secrets Act," in John D. McCamus (ed.), Freedom of Information: Canadian Perspectives, (Toronto: Butterworths, 1980): 152-166.


"Invasion of Privacy: Police and Electronic Surveillance in Canada ", McGill Law Journal, 27:4 (1982): 619-675.


“Safeguards in and Justifications for Canada ’s New Anti-Terrorism Act., National Journal of Constitutional Law 14:1 (2002): ........




“The terrorists’ Best Ally: The Quebec Media Coverage of the FLQ Crisis in October 1970,” Canadian Journal of Communications, 25:2 (2003). Available online at:


COHN , Werner,


"The Persecution of Japanese Canadians and the Political Left in British Columbia , December 1941-March 1942," BC Studies 68 (Winter, 1985-86): 3-22.




“The Origins of the Law of Sedition,” Criminal Law Quarterly, 15 (1972-73): 277-....


COOK , Ramsay,


"Canadian Freedom in Wartime," in W.H. Heick and Roger Graham (eds.), His Own Man: Essays in Honour of Arthur Reginald Marsden Lower, (Montreal: McGill University Press, 1974): 37-53.


COTLER , Irwin,


“Constitutional Democracy: Balancing Security and Civil Liberties,” National Journal of Constitutional Law, 14:1 (2002): ....




"The Great War and Canada 's Enemy Alien Policy" Queen’s Law Journal, 4 (1978): 43-...


CRANE , Brian A.,


"Freedom of the Press and National Security," McGill Law Journal, 14 (1975): 148-155.


CRAIG , Bruce,


“A Matter of Espionage: Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, and Igor Gouzenko –– The Canadian Connection Reassessed,” Intelligence and National Security, 15:2 (2000): 210-224.





"La couverture de presse et ses fonctions legitimantes," Criminologie, 10:1 (1987) 35-57.


"The Internal Dynamics of the FLQ during the October Crisis of 1970," Journal of Strategic Studies, 10:4 (December, 1987): 59-89.


"Terrorism as Political Communication: The Relationship between Controller and Controlled," in Paul Wilkinson and A.M. Stewart, (eds.), Contemporary Research on Terrorism, (Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen Press, 1987): 1-23.


"Power and Meaning: Terrorism as a Struggle over Access to the Communication Structure," in Paul Wilkinson and A.M. Stewart, (eds.), Contemporary Research on Terrorism, (Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen Press, 1987): 419-450.


"La Couverture de Presse et Ses Fonctions Légitimantes," Criminologie, 20:1 (1987): 35-57.


"The Internal Dynamics of the FLQ During the October Crisis of 1970", in D.C. Rapoport (ed.), Inside Terrorist Organizations (Frank Cass, 1988/University of Columbia Press, 1988) pp. 59-89.


"Terrorism, Counterterrorism and National Security," in Peter Hanks and John D. McCamus, National Security: Surveillance and Accountability in a Democratic Society, (Cowansville: Les Editions Yvon Blais, 1989), 207-225.


"Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and Democracy: The Assessment of National Security Threats," Terrorism and Political Violence, 1:2 (April, 1989): 242-269.


“Television and Terrorism: Implications for Crisis Management and Policy Making,” Terrorism and Political Violence 9:4 (1997): 8-32.


“Terrorism and Counterterrorism in a Multi-Centric World: Challenges and Opportunities,” Terrorism and Political Violence 11(4): 170-196, 1999. (See, esp. note 46).


The Internal Dynamics of the FLQ During the October Crisis of 1970", in D.C. Rapoport (ed.), Inside Terrorist Organizations ( London : Frank Cass, 2001) pp. 59-89. First appeared in a special issue of the Journal of Strategic Studies, 10: 4) (December, 1987).



DAVENPORT , Christian A..,


"Constitutional Promises" and Repressive Reality: A Cross-National Time-Series Investigation of Why Political and Civil Liberties are Suppressed,” Journal of Politics, 58: 3. (August, 1996):........




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