Middle East Links Comprehensive List:
Revised by Dave Heintzman, Dalhousie University
June 30 th, 2005.
General Middle Eastern Links:
ArabNet - The Resource for the Arab World in the M
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
Keele Guide to Middle East Government and Politics on the Internet
MERIP - Middle East Research and Information Proje
Middle East Research and Information Project
University of Texas - Middle East Network Information Center (MENIC)
WWW Virtual Library International Affairs Resources--Middle East
A Critique of the Dutch Government’s Position on I
Library of Congress - Federal Research Division - Country Studies - Area Handbook Series - Iran
Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The Constitutional Monarchy Movement
Tigris-Euphrates River Dispute
Israeli Government's Official Website, by the Min
Near Eastern Affairs Middle East Peace Process
The Office of King Hussein I of Jordan
World History Archives Kurds and Kurdistan
Kuwait Information Office in Washington, DC
Lebanese Links...Links Galore!
Lebanese Armed Forces Homepage
Palestinian Bureau of Statistics
Library of Congress - Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia Information Resource
Area Studies United Arab Emirates
Library of Congress - United Arab Emirates